Is there mould on the Deli Blend?

No, our Deli Blend does not have mould. That fluffiness that can be seen a few days after purchase is due to root hairs or cilia (a hairlike structure made primarily of protein). The cilia lies flat when the Deli blend is wet and/or damp, but when it dries a little, the cilia extend and exhibit that fluffiness that is frequently mistaken for mould. For a full explanation, please read here.

Do you do retail business?

Eatmore Sprouts FAQDue to the wholesale nature of our business, we do not sell directly from our farm.

Do you add anything to grow your sprouts?

Nope!  All we use to grow our sprouts are air, water, light, seeds and love!  Our greens and shoots are grown in our greenhouses with our very own organic compost, made on-site.

How do I choose fresh sprouts?

Like buying all fresh produce, a visual inspection is important. Look for bright roots – they should be white or red (daikon and deli sprouts), not yellow or brown! Sprouts should also be perky and crisp-looking.

We currently use the Julian Calendar as our LOT coding system.  Each package will be marked with a 3-digit number.  This is the day the sprouts were harvested and packaged. For example, a LOT code of 001 indicates that the product was harvested and packaged on January 1st, the first day of the year.

Do you have wheat in your products?

Our Mixed Bean and Deli Sprouts “May contain wheat”.  For a full explanation, read here.

Are your products Kosher?

While our products are not “Certified Kosher”, we are quite sure they meet the Kosher guidelines. All fruits and vegetables are Kosher as long as they contain no bugs.  There is no meat or any other animal products in our production facility.  The sprouts are grown indoors and are free of all insects.

Do you sell broccoli sprouts retail in Vancouver?

In Vancouver you can purchase our products at Thrifty foods, Save On foods affiliates such as urban fair. Also, Strong’s Market, Nester’s market, Choices Market, Whole Foods and many other grocery stores carry our products. If you find a store that currently carries our products, but doesn’t carry our broccoli sprouts, ask them if they can get some for you. They should be able to, and if they are still struggling to find a source, we are happy to help them out. Enjoy those broccoli sprouts as much as we do. Thanks for supporting the team at Eatmore Sprouts!